Serving the Greater Good

Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey’s life’s work bridges the great divide between spiritual resignation and engaged spiritual activism.  A manifesto for the transformation of the world through the fusion of deep mystical peace with the clarity of radical wisdom, it is a wake-up call to put love and compassion to urgent, focused action.


We empower U.S. urban youth to transform their neighborhoods and the world through intensive community service. Globally, we’re constructing a new school every three days in some of the economically poorest countries around the world.

Conscious Alliance

Conscious Alliance is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to supporting communities in crisis through hunger relief and youth empowerment.

Effective Altruism

Effective altruism is about answering one simple question: how can we use our resources to help others the most?  Rather than just doing what feels right, we use evidence and careful analysis to find the very best causes to work on.  But it's no use answering the question unless you act on it. Effective altruism is about following through. It's about being generous with your time and your money to do the most good you can.

Effective Altruism Global

EA Global is the annual conference of the effective altruism community.  It is a gathering of people who try to dedicate their life to doing the most good. Speakers and participants discuss new thinking in the field of effective altruism, share new research, familiarise themselves with core concepts, and coordinate on global projects.

For Goods

A platform that makes volunteering fun, easy, and rewarding; it tracks volunteer missions for companies and organizations, rewards volunteers for their dedication, and showcases local reward partners for maximum community engagement.

The Gaiafield Project

The Gaiafield Project develops “subtle activism” practices, theories, and programs and works with like-minded groups to co-create local, national, and global networks of subtle activists to support a shift to a planetary culture of peace.

The Giving Games

The mission of the Giving Games Project is to create a scalable, effective, and sustainable form of philanthropy education. We aim to produce a culture of giving where skillful, generous, and informed donors support organizations that achieve the most social impact.

Humanity Healing International

Humanity Healing International is a humanitarian, nonpolitical, nondenominational spiritual organization promoting Spiritual Activism as a means to foster Healing for communities around the world that have little or no Hope.

Institute for Sacred Activism

The Institute for Sacred ActivismTM SM is an international organization focused on inviting concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary crises in order to become inspired, effective, and practical agents of institutional and systemic change, in order to create peace and sustainability.

Kalliopeia Foundation

Kalliopeia Foundation is a private grantmaking foundation that contributes to the evolution of communities and cultures that honor the unity at the heart of life’s astounding diversity. Through our grantmaking we seek to strengthen a collective recognition of the oneness of humanity.

The Network of Spiritual Progressives

Aninterfaith advocacy arm of Tikkunmagazine — seeks to transform our materialist and corporate-dominated society into a caring society through consciousness raising, advocacy, and public awareness campaigns that promote a “New Bottom Line” based on generosity, peace, and social transformation. The NSP shifts mass consciousness by challenging status-quo ideas about what is possible.

Satyana Institute

The Satyana Institute is a non-profit service and training organization. Our mission is to support individuals, communities, and organizations to combine inner work of the heart with outer service in the world. The name satyana comes from two sanskrit roots: sat, which means truth or being, and also refers to action aligned or suffused with spirit; and yana, which means vehicle. So "satyana" means a vehicle for action infused with the grace of spirit.


We believe everyone should have the chance to make a difference. That's why we make it easy for good people and good causes to connect. We've connected millions of people with a great place to volunteer and helped tens of thousands of organizations better leverage volunteers to create real impact.

Women of Spirit and Faith

Women of Spirit and Faith exists to invite the many brilliant threads of feminine spiritual leadership into relationship and to support emerging patterns for transformation.

100% MAD

100% MAD is the brand for a not for profit, self-sustaining social enterprise built to ignite a global philanthropic youth movement driven by the world’s 3 billion millennials. 100% MAD empowers people to make a difference in the world, one action, one micro-donation at a time.